Study visit of the members of the Assembly and the representatives of the State Audit Office of the Republic of North Macedonia to the State Audit Office of the Republic of Croatia
Objavljeno 6. 10. 2021.
Within activity 2.8.2. Twinning project "Improvement of External Audit and Parliamentary Oversight" in the Republic of North Macedonia, from September 27 to October 1, 2021, a study visit was organized to the State Audit Office of the Republic of Croatia, attended by Goran Misovski, Vice President of the Assembly of North Macedonia, with his associates and Maksim Acevski, Auditor General of the State Audit Office of the Republic of North Macedonia, with his associates.
As part of the study visit, representatives of the State Audit Office of the Republic of Croatia informed the representatives of the Assembly and the State Audit Office of the Republic of North Macedonia about the work of the Croatian State Audit Office, preparation and submission of reports to the Croatian Parliament and conclusions of the Croatian Parliament regarding audit reports. Participants were introduced to the planning and conduct of audits in one regional office, and exchanged experiences of institutions of the two countries on auditing and relations with parliament.
Participants of the study visit, together with Ivan Klesic, Auditor General of the Republic of Croatia and his associates, visited the Croatian Parliament where a meeting was held with Grozdana Peric, Chairperson of the Committee on Finance and Central Budget, to discuss the usefulness of audit reports, the importance of public debate on reports and the ability to reduce irregularities and increase the efficiency of public money management based on the findings of supreme audit institutions. The meeting was also held with Ermina Lekaj-Prljaskaj, Member of Parliament for the Albanian, Bosnian, Macedonian, Montenegrian and Slovenian national minority, Erik Fabijanic, Chairperson of the Committee on interparliamentary cooperation, and Silvano Hrelja, former Head of the Interparliamentary Friendship Group Croatia - North Macedonia.
In addition, Academician Zeljko Reiner, Vice President of the Croatian Parliament, hosted a meeting attended by Goran Misovski, Vice President of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia, with his associates, Maksim Acevski, Auditor General of the Republic of North Macedonia, and Drazen Brozinic, Head of Cabinet and Assistant Auditor General of the Republic of Croatia. During the meeting, satisfaction was expressed with bilateral relations between the two countries and discussion was held about the intensification of cooperation in many areas of common interest, especially in the economy, energy, health, culture, science and education, labour and pension system and environmental protection.
As part of the study visit, representatives of the State Audit Office of the Republic of Croatia informed the representatives of the Assembly and the State Audit Office of the Republic of North Macedonia about the work of the Croatian State Audit Office, preparation and submission of reports to the Croatian Parliament and conclusions of the Croatian Parliament regarding audit reports. Participants were introduced to the planning and conduct of audits in one regional office, and exchanged experiences of institutions of the two countries on auditing and relations with parliament.
Participants of the study visit, together with Ivan Klesic, Auditor General of the Republic of Croatia and his associates, visited the Croatian Parliament where a meeting was held with Grozdana Peric, Chairperson of the Committee on Finance and Central Budget, to discuss the usefulness of audit reports, the importance of public debate on reports and the ability to reduce irregularities and increase the efficiency of public money management based on the findings of supreme audit institutions. The meeting was also held with Ermina Lekaj-Prljaskaj, Member of Parliament for the Albanian, Bosnian, Macedonian, Montenegrian and Slovenian national minority, Erik Fabijanic, Chairperson of the Committee on interparliamentary cooperation, and Silvano Hrelja, former Head of the Interparliamentary Friendship Group Croatia - North Macedonia.
In addition, Academician Zeljko Reiner, Vice President of the Croatian Parliament, hosted a meeting attended by Goran Misovski, Vice President of the Assembly of the Republic of North Macedonia, with his associates, Maksim Acevski, Auditor General of the Republic of North Macedonia, and Drazen Brozinic, Head of Cabinet and Assistant Auditor General of the Republic of Croatia. During the meeting, satisfaction was expressed with bilateral relations between the two countries and discussion was held about the intensification of cooperation in many areas of common interest, especially in the economy, energy, health, culture, science and education, labour and pension system and environmental protection.

Source: Croatian Parliament