Closing of the twinning project "Further improvement of administrative capacities and external audit efficiency of the state audit office" in North Macedonia
Objavljeno 17. 9. 2019.
Mr. Ivan Klesic, Auditor General of the Republic of Croatia and his associates attended the closing of the twinning project “Further improvement of administrative capacities and external audit efficiency of the State Audit Office”, held on September 10, 2019 in Skopje. The project was implemented at the State Audit Office of North Macedonia, in cooperation with the State Audit Office of the Republic of Bulgaria and the State Audit Office of the Republic of Croatia. The four main components of the Project were: Further improvement of audit process as per ISSAI, Strengthening of SAO audit capacities, Sound cooperation between Parliament and State Audit Office in the anticipation of audit reports established and parliament, and Improvement of the SAO IT communication and human resources management systems to better serve the process of audit. The project was funded by European Union and it lasted 21 months. During the implementation, experts from the aforementioned Supreme Audit Institutions, through missions, training, pilot audits, study visits, roundtables and conferences, in collaboration with colleagues from the State Audit Office of Northern Macedonia, successfully fulfilled all the project's stated objectives.