Bilateral Meeting with Auditors General of Argentina
Objavljeno 12. 7. 2019.
In the State Audit Office on July 12, 2019, as part of a bilateral visit, a working meeting was held with Dr. Alejandro M. Nieva and Mr Gabriel Mihura, Auditors General of the General Audit Office of Argentina.
Together with mr. Ivan Klesic, Auditor General of the Republic of Croatia, meeting attended his closest associates. The main topics of the meeting were related to mutual knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of audit institutions, discussing recent changes and discussions on state audit offices, auditing public private partnerships, the role of supreme audit institutions in auditing public debt and fiscal policies.
The meeting also discussed the possibility of future institutional co-operation between the two audit institutions.
Together with mr. Ivan Klesic, Auditor General of the Republic of Croatia, meeting attended his closest associates. The main topics of the meeting were related to mutual knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of audit institutions, discussing recent changes and discussions on state audit offices, auditing public private partnerships, the role of supreme audit institutions in auditing public debt and fiscal policies.
The meeting also discussed the possibility of future institutional co-operation between the two audit institutions.