XXIII Intosai Congress
Objavljeno 18. 10. 2019.
Ivan Klešić, Auditor General, with his associates participated in the XXIII INTOSAI Congress, held on September 25-28, 2019 in Moscow.The topics of the congress were Information technology for public administration development, and The role of the SAI in achieving national priorities and objectives.The Moscow Declaration was adopted at the Congress, with the conclusion that INTOSAI encourages the SAIs to, among others, contribute to transparency and accountability for results, taking into account the complexity of government efforts to achieve national priorities and strategic goals; develop a strategic approach to auditing to support the achievement of strategic development goals and national priorities; enhance the value and importance of public auditing by extending recommendations and advising on strategic issues of public administration and public functions without compromising their independence or avoiding interference with decision-making and policy-making processes; promote the principle of availability and openness of public dana, as well as to increase positive impact by establishing productive interaction with subjects, academia and the public.
Several documents were approved at the Congress, including auditing standards and guidelines, reports of INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) and International Journal of National Audit. Further on, INTOSAI auditors were elected for the next three-year period, new members of the INTOSAI Governing Board were elected, brief reports were presented by representatives of the UN, the World Bank and the International Institute of Internal Auditors, and host of the INTOSAI Congress 2022 was presented.
More about the contents and conclusions of the XXIII INCOSAI is available at: https://incosai2019.ru/en and www.intosai.org .
Several documents were approved at the Congress, including auditing standards and guidelines, reports of INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) and International Journal of National Audit. Further on, INTOSAI auditors were elected for the next three-year period, new members of the INTOSAI Governing Board were elected, brief reports were presented by representatives of the UN, the World Bank and the International Institute of Internal Auditors, and host of the INTOSAI Congress 2022 was presented.
More about the contents and conclusions of the XXIII INCOSAI is available at: https://incosai2019.ru/en and www.intosai.org .