Renovation of the business building of the State Audit Office
Objavljeno 1. 3. 2022.
Due to the repair of extensive damage the office building of the State Audit Office at Tkalčićeva 19, Zagreb suffered by the earthquake, employees will carry out work in the premises of the Office, Bogovićeva 1a, Zagreb, starting from 28 February 2022 onwards.
Communication with legal and natural persons in connection with the affairs and scope of the Office will be carried out, as before, via e-mail addresses published on this website, regular mail to the address: The State Audit Office, Bogovićeva 1a, 10 000 Zagreb and fixed phone numbers +385 1 46 27 888, +385 1 48 07 950.
Communication with legal and natural persons in connection with the affairs and scope of the Office will be carried out, as before, via e-mail addresses published on this website, regular mail to the address: The State Audit Office, Bogovićeva 1a, 10 000 Zagreb and fixed phone numbers +385 1 46 27 888, +385 1 48 07 950.