Conference of Heads of Supreme Audit Institutions on "Managing Interventions in Case of Sudden Pollution in the Adriatic Sea"
At the invitation of Guido Carlino, President of the Court of Audit of the Republic of Italy, a conference of heads of Supreme Audit Institutions of the Republic of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Montenegro, the Republic of Croatia, the Republic of Italy and the Republic of Slovenia was held in Trieste on 23 September 2021. The purpose of the conference was to sign a joint statement on parallel audit on "Managing interventions in case of sudden pollution in the Adriatic Sea". After the presentation of the report and the review of the heads of state audits, as well as the discussion and conclusions, a ceremony of signing a joint statement was held. The signatories of the joint statement were Arben Shehu, President of the State Audit Office of the Republic of Albania, Hrvoje Tvrtković, Auditor General of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dževad Nekić, Auditor General of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Milan Dabović, President of the Senate of the State Audit Institution of Montenegro, Ivan Klešić, Auditor General of the Republic of Croatia, Guido Carlino, President of the Court of Audit of the Republic of Italy, and Tomaž Vesel, President of the Court of Audit of the Republic of Slovenia. In a joint statement, the signatories agreed on the need for the governments of the audited countries to urgently adopt measures to strengthen the prevention and management of responses to marine pollution caused by sudden and unexpected spills of hydrocarbons and other hazardous and noxious substances most frequently transported in the Adriatic Sea. The Supreme Audit Institutions signatories to the joint statement also believe that the risk associated with the occurrence of serious maritime accidents requires cross-border cooperation for emergency management, to be implemented through the adoption of a common emergency response plan for all States bordering the Adriatic Sea and the organisation of joint exercises programs. Below is a link to the joint statement and the collection of summaries. Full audit reports of each SAI can be found at the links provided after each summary.